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  2006 年 8 月 17 日 星期
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  老外0817(栏目 有滋有味)



  As one of the four famous dishes of "Maxiangxing", an Islamic restaurant in Nanjing during the period of the Republic of China, it is prepared like this: a moderate amount of salt is smeared into several cuts made on the back of a mandarin fish which has been washed clean, so as to make it savory. With the cooking-oil turning hot, Chinese onion, ginger and garlic are put into the pan to be quickly fried. Then the fish is put in and taken out when both sides of it are well-fried. Afterwards, such condiments as tomato juice stirred with water and cooking wine are boiled in the pan. With this done, tomato juice is poured on the mandarin fish arranged in the shape of a squirrel, with grapes cut in half placed along the rim of the plate as decoration. Such fish-meat tastes refreshing and delicate with extraordinarily delicious juice.    

  曹建新 译

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