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· 越洋镜头
· 南京最帅的厨子与他的玫瑰
· 媚香楼
· 有时候 里昂不属于巴黎
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  2006 年 7 月 20 日 星期
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  老外0720(栏目 石城一景)

  媚香楼是秦淮八艳之一李香君的故居,位于南京钞库街中段。李香君 (1627-1653年)是明末清初的秦淮歌妓,因她娇小香艳,名字里又带个香字,所以客人们都戏称她是“香扇坠 ”。现在修复的李香君故居,是一座三进两院的明清风格的宅院,院内竖有香君手执扇子的汉白玉全身塑像,大厅内陈列着香君生平资料;花楼河厅,窗明几净,布置简洁, 是香君的琴室、书房和卧室。

  Located at the middle section of Chaoku Street in Nanjing, it is the former residence of Li Xiangjun, one of the eight girls with sensual charm in Qinhuai area. Li Xiangjun (1627-1653) was a singing girl in Qinhuai area in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. She was nicknamed by the audience as "Fragrant fan-pendant" because of her delicate figure and sensual charm in addition to a Chinese character Xiang (fragrance) in her name. Her former residence, already renovated, involves three-row houses with two courtyards in the Ming and Qing styles. The front courtyard stands Li Xiangjun holding a fan, a full-length sculpture of Chinese marble. Data on her life are exhibited in the hall. Her heptachord-room, study and bed-room are respectively in the lattice tower and river-side hall with bright and clean windows as well as a succinct layout. 曹建新 译

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