老外0701(栏目 有滋有味)(这篇稿子不是发过了吗)
桂花糖芋苗是南京一道出名的甜点,做法如下 :选用新鲜芋苗,蒸熟后剥皮;加上特制的桂花糖浆,放在大锅里慢慢熬制。煮的时候要放一点口碱,这样芋苗才会煮出红通通、诱人的颜色。芋苗快软烂的时候加入藕粉,藕粉的加入会使糖芋苗看上去浓稠美味,吃起来润滑爽口,吃后唇齿留香。还有一道工序是加糖,依个人口味注意用量。
As a famous dessert in Nanjing, it is prepared as follows: Fresh taros, steamed and then peeled, are boiled slowly in a big pot together with specially-made syrup of osmanthus flowers. Taros would appear red and attractive with a bit of edi-ble alkali added in the course of boiling. Lotus-root powder is put in when taros being boiled feel almost soft, making sweetened taros look thick and nice as well as taste lubricious and refreshing. Deliciousness remains in the mouth after they are eaten. Another process is the addition of sugar whose amount is decided according to individual preference. 曹建新 译