Nanjing Museum
南京市博物馆位于市中心的朝天宫,这是江南最大的古建筑群,是江苏省重点文物保护单位之一。 博物馆收藏有十万件文物,上溯远古,下迄民国,藏品内涵丰富,具有很高的历史、艺术和科学价值,是南京历史的见证。在馆藏文物中,南京人头骨化石、青釉羽人纹盘口壶、 青瓷莲花尊、王谢家族墓志、青花萧何追韩信梅瓶、镶金托云龙纹玉带、渔翁嬉荷琥珀杯等一批文物蜚声中外。
situated in Chaotian Palace in downtown Nanjing, it is the biggest ancient architectural ensemble in the area to the south of the Yangtze River and one of important units of cultural relics under protection in Jiangsu province. The museum has 10000 cultural relics ranging historically from remote ages to the period of the Republic of China. These collections of rich connotation as well as very high historic, artistic and scientific value are witnesses to the history of Nanjing. A number of them are world-famous, such as a fossilized human skull discovered in Nanjing, a green glazed wide-mouth pot with designs of feathered human figures, a celadon lotus-flower vessel, tomb-tablet inscriptions of the Wang and Xie families, a blue-white plum-blossom vase painted with Xiao He chasing Han Xin (a historical story taking place in the Han dynasty), a gold-inlaid jade belt with cloud and dragon designs and an amber cup painted with an old fisher-man playing with lotus flowers, etc. 曹建新 译