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· 一个好男人的三个最爱
· 醋椒鱼
· 就是为了第一名
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  2007 年 3 月 22 日 星期
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  Heated slightly in boiling water,the fish is immediately put into the cold water. With cross-cuts on its back, it is first boiled for a short while. Half-cooked lard mixed with green onions, ginger and white pepper-powder are fried, resulting in savory odor. Then, they are boiled together with clear soup, cooking wine and refined salt for five minutes and scooped out. With mandarin fish inside, the soup is boiled and then stewed under weak fire for another fifteen minutes before it is boiled again under intense fire. Afterwards, monosodi-um glutamate and pepper-powder are added. Put on a plate, the fish is covered with corianders and sliced green onions as well as dripped with vinegar and sesame-oil.

  Tips for health: This dish is featured by refreshing and tender tastes, along with milk-white soup, appetizing sourness and spiciness as well as the function of relieving the effect of alcoholic drink.曹建新 译

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