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  2006 年 12 月 28 日 星期
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  As a traditional snack popular in the city of Chongqing and its rural areas, it has long been a favorite of people due to its unique flavor, quick and convenient availability as well as deliciousness and inexpensiveness. Chiefly made of red sweet potato powder, it falls into two kinds:

  One is called “Watery powder” made of red sweet potato powder while the other is termed “Dried pow-der” in the shape of dried powder-slices. Sour and hot powder usually takes the form of dried powder since it is quite simple and convenient in production. Boiled in the cooking-pot and scooped out into the bowl, it is ready with celeries, corianders, crunchy soy-beans and mashed beef spread all over.

  曹建新 译

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