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· 柯小迪: 童话般透明的丹麦女孩
· 荷叶粉蒸肉
· 【越洋镜头】
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  2006 年 11 月 30 日 星期
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  荷叶粉蒸肉是江浙一带的传统名菜,其特点是味道清香,鲜而不腻。其做法是:将五花肉洗干净,切成较厚的片,放入料酒、酱油、盐、 白糖拌匀,腌约1小时;将八角与糯米、粳米同时下锅干炒,然后碾成粗粉,放入肉片拌匀;将肉片平放盘内,上笼用旺火蒸到半熟时,取清水50克放入少许酱油,均匀地洒在粉蒸肉上,继续上笼蒸至软烂;取出粉蒸肉,逐片用鲜荷叶包好,淋上花生油,再上笼蒸10分钟即可。

  As a famous traditional dish popular in Jiangsu province and Zhejiang province, it is characterized by light aroma and a refreshing flavor. The preparation for it goes like this: Washed clean, streaky pork is cut into fair-ly thick pieces mixed evenly with cooking wine, soy-sauce, salt and white sugar which are pickled for about an hour. Then, anises, glutinous rice and polished round-grained rice are dryly fried at the same time in a pan be-fore they are ground into coarse flour to be blended proportionally with sliced pork. Placed flatly on a plate, sliced pork is half-cooked in a bam-boo-steamer under blazing fire. At this moment, 50-gram clean water mingled with a little soy-sauce is evenly spread over the pork with ground glutinous rice to be further steamed until it becomes thoroughly soft. After-wards, the pork is taken out to be wrapped in a fresh lotus leaf piece by piece and sprinkled with peanut oil. Another ten-minute steaming will be OK.     曹建新 译

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