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· 冰淇淋帝国的“国王”
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· 美人肝
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  2006 年 7 月 29 日 星期
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    朗读 收藏 打印 推荐  
  老外0727(栏目 有滋有味)


  Of course, "The beauty's liver" is not the liver of a beauty. In the linguistic context of Chinese dietetic culture, "A beauty ", a quite special symbol, can be roughly interpreted as " Being soft, refreshing and tender". "The beauty's liver", as it is called, refers to the pancreas on the duck-intestine (a by-product of Nanjing pressed salted duck), i.e. an inner organ connected with the duck-intestine. A duck only has one small pancreas. Made up of forty to fifty duck-pancreases, a dish of "The beauty's liver" fried through complex preparation appears reddish white while tasting tender, fresh and crispy. It ranks the first among four major famous dishes of "Ma Xiangxing", an Islamic restaurant in Nanjing during the period of the Republic of China.

  曹建新 译

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